What to Expect from Grief Recovery Support
Grief can hit us in ways we don’t expect. It can be even more difficult than we ever imagined to recover from the loss of a loved one – or to even feel like we can make it through the routine of our normal days. You can get support from friends and family to help you through this time, and you can put an emphasis on self-care.
One of the best things you can do to help you process your grief is to attend a grief recovery support group. You can connect with other people who are also grieving, and you can get out your feelings and learn about ways to cope. Here are just a few things that you can expect from attending a grief recovery support group:
Topics of Discussion
Every support group is different, but many choose to organize meetings around a central topic of discussion. The group leader might tell the group what the topic is and let them share their thoughts, or the leader might present a video or share an article as a jumping off point for the discussion.
These themes can help you put more thought into the different aspects of your grief and can help you learn specific strategies for dealing with different challenges.
Other Members
No matter how the group is organized, you can be sure of one thing: It will be full of people who have experienced the loss of a loved one. These may be husbands, daughters, brothers, or friends, but they have all lost someone close to them. Some may be fresh to the grieving process, and others may still be processing feelings from a loss they experienced years ago.
Often, members of grief support groups will get to know each other and be available for each other outside of the group. But even if your contact is limited to the group, you will have a
Personal Study
Often, support groups will assign “homework” or personal study for the periods between group meetings. Members will be asked to do things like write journal entries on specific prompts, to read certain books or articles, to meditate, or to work through a personal workbook.
Of course, there is no grade for these “assignments,” nor is there any consequence for not completing them. They are simply given to help members work through their grief in other ways. They
Some grief support groups meet once a week; some meet once a month. There usually isn’t required attendance, and most allow members to attend for as long as they feel they need the support. You may attend a few sessions and feel like you have some good tips to help you in your recovery, or you may attend for years. There is no right or wrong amount of time to attend.
You won’t be required to speak in most grief support groups. Most groups allow members to share their thoughts or experiences as they feel moved to do so. If you attend the group and don’t feel like you want to say anything, you can keep doing that for months without being pressured to change it. Some leaders might ask if you want to say anything during a meeting, but you should never feel bad for saying “no” and you should never feel pressured to participate.
A grief recovery support group can help you process your grief and move forward in your healing process. It can help you connect with others who understand what you may be feeling, and it can help you learn strategies for coping with your feelings. Check resources in your area to find out what might be available.
At Americare Hospice and Palliative Care in Arizona, we believe in supporting the whole family during the end-of-life stage. We provide grief counseling and support for family members both during a loved one’s hospice care and after. We offer spiritual counseling for your loved one and your family also, as well as financial counseling and other types of counseling. We know that this time is very difficult, and we provide compassionate care and services to try to ease your burden. Call us today to learn more about our hospice and palliative care services in Arizona.
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Email: info@americarehospice.org